Gakuen Alice 80
That girl behind of Mikan in that room was indeed Luna! As all of us might have already known, Mikan and Luna were trapped together in the same room. However still, Mikan was confused about as to what has happened earlier.

Back at the sports complex, students were still dodging off flying objects. Natsume was worried when he saw a flying table flew towards a girl with pony tails. He ran towards that girl, shouting "MIKAN!" and pressed that girl on the ground, protecting her with his body. It turned out that Natsume had mistaken someone for Mikan (that poor girl under Natsume was blushing).

This ruckus had attracted both Narumi and Jinno's attention. Meanwhile, Hotaru spotted the 2 boys whom Luna had spoken to earlier, she walked towards them and gave each of them a punch on their faces. Both Narumi and Jinno were shocked to see that. Iinchou was surprised too, when he saw the 2 boys fainted in front of him. Just then, You-chan pointed to a direction where Mikan was, and Hotaru ran towards that direction. Both Narumi and Ruka sensed something was amiss...

Back at where Mikan and Luna were... It occurred to Mikan suddenly that she was being dragged into where she was. Just as she was trying to think who brought her there, someone reached out to her from behind, holding Mikan on her neck with both hands. Mikan turned around and saw that it was Luna. Luna was smiling with the most horrifying look on her face at Mikan as she went 'fufufu' laughing and both of her hands on Mikan's neck. Mikan was very surprised to see Luna, and finally she said, "Let go!" Luna was pushed back by Mikan, and she said, "How cruel of you, Sakura-san. What a violent thing to do, i am scared. It was said that when a fight occurs, there will be bloodshed. Looks like that was real. That side of you is just like your mother, who was a criminal."
Mikan did not understand what Luna was talking about. However Luna continued, " Everyone in class is very fond of you. You should be very happy i suppose? From now on, I will be destroying these precious things of yours bit by bit. It is going to be very much a pleasure to me. Just by imagining that look on your face when that happens, makes me feel too excited already. It's just like seeing your mother, " Mikan was even more confused by what Luna had said earlier. After seeing that puzzled and confused look on Mikan's face, Luna added that she would not mind telling all that she knew about Mikan's parents and her embarrassing birth story. But it was depended on her mood and Mikan has to be a good girl in front of her, if she wants Luna to reveal anything. Luna wanted Mikan not to tell anyone about all that had happened in that room to anyone not forgetting to warn her about given her current position in class, no one would believe what she said. Not even the teachers.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Hotaru's voice was heard. She asked if Mikan was inside. Just as Mikan could call out Hotaru's name, Luna continued saying, " Sakura-san, it up to you to decide what you want to do with the secret of your birth and how you would want to see me as an enemy. For example, that ruckus that happened earlier was just a warm-up. If you want less hurt to happen onto yourself and other people around you, i shall give you a piece of advice and i hope you will be able to understand. You are to [shut up] and [not to attract so much attention]. " Luna was touching Mikan as she said those words (in other words, Luna used her Alice onto Mikan).

Before Luna opened the door, she added, " Because i am kind, that is why i am telling you. I shall see how long you are able to protect the people around you by using those 2 advices, " After Luna left the room, some students outside were asking her what she was doing in there. Again, she lied to them that Mikan dragged her into the room when the ruckus was going on.
Mikan was not listening but was thinking over what Luna had said to her about her birth which cannot be told to anyone and her own mother, who was a criminal. She was thinking over Luna's words and trying to figure who Luna actually is in her head so much so that she did not hear Hotaru when she asked if she was ok. Jinno was asking Mikan if what the transferred student and the other 2 students said were true. He was calling Mikan many times but Mikan was still stoning until Jinno attempted his Alice on her. Mikan was shocked and replied hurriedly that she had been listening. Jinno repeated himself, " It was said that you were the cause of this ruckus. I know that all of this started because of these 2 guys' Psychic Alices, but they said that they were threatened by you to do it. What do you say, Sakura? "

Upon hearing that Iinchou said that it was impossible while Kokoroyomi agreed with him at the back. Mikan of course, was taken back when Jinno said that. Jinno continued, " From your regular behaviour, it looks like you have something against the transferred student and you made used of this ruckus to get back at her. Even the transferred student said something like this too. Also, Imai Hotaru used violence at the 2 of them, was that because of you too? Say something! Sakura! " Mikan felt that all that Jinno had said was rubbish that she retaliated, " Say something, you said. How could you say such stupid things? And why is even Hotaru involved? Just use your brains and think and you would know that it was all a lie! " Just then, Luna's words were ringing at the back of Mikan, This is just a warm up... if you want less hurt to happen onto yourself and your friends... what you can do is to [shut up]... and some students were complaining that their shoulders were aching after Mikan said her piece. Mikan saw that Luna was doing something at where she was standing and she kept quiet while Luna's words were still reminding her at the back of her head. [Do not attract too much attention...] This is just... A warm-up... Mikan was trying to figure what this girl called, Luna is plotting... Hotaru was trying to make Mikan tell the truth and that she knew that all that had happened had nothing to with her. Iinchou agreed with Hotaru. But still, Mikan was still thinking about what Luna had done to the 2 boys and everyone around her that she did not hear Hotaru and Iinchou. The line that Mikan was told at the Christmas party was coming back to Mikan, "Be careful, not to lose your precious things..."

Hotaru walked over to Mikan and asked what happened while Sumire was too, annoyed that Mikan was not saying anything and encouraged her to say something against that girl. Ruka was worried too. Both Narumi and Jinno knew something was wrong but said nothing until Jinno finally said that Sakura Mikan is to be taken away by Fuukidai and the Fuukidai shall see to her punishment.
Almost everyone was unpleased with what Jinno had said but he said that since Mikan was not able to answer anything, that was her answer to all that had happened. Some students were doubtful that Mikan was responsible for all that had happened while some students were about to believe that Mikan was the cause of everything.

In the meantime, Narumi told Hotaru that she should quickly return to the classroom while people of the Fuukidai were not looking. Immediately, Hotaru ran after she was told. Followed by Natsume and Ruka. (It seems to be a trap for the 3 of them to looks to me that Narumi was told to say that by Luna >.<)

Back to Mikan, Mikan remembered that she must not to be caught by people of the Fuukidai but she ended being caught. just as she was all scared and worried, another member of the Fuukidai came and told that Fuukidai member who was about to bring Mikan somewhere that someone on the main Student Board was looking for him. In return, he said that he was told to carry out the mission. And he brought Mikan away. Mikan was thinking where she would be brought to, what would happen to her and has she gone into the right direction to protect everyone, in her head until that person who was now holding Mikan's hand spoke, " Aren't you told by Sakurano-san that you must not be captured by the Fuukidai? " Mikan looked up and wondered who that person was as he mentioned 'Sakurano-san". That guy laughed and said, " Haha, i suppose you don't know who i am because you have not seen me using my Alice before, " That guy began rubbing his face. After a while he continued, " You should be able to know this face. " Mikan was very surprised to see that the person beside her was the representative for the Physical department, Goshima (i apologise earlier that i thought his name was Hijiri.. now that the hiraganas for his name were larger, it looks like "Hiko-something" to me... but still i was not able to know what his last name was.. >.<) ! Mikan's over reactions made her say something that Goshima did not understand and apparantly, surprised.
In the meantime, Hotaru, Ruka and Natsume were on their way back to the classroom. They were seen by Tsubasa..