Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Gakuen Alice 91
This chapter has a colored cover. Unfortunantly it doesn't have Luna on it (so we still don't know her hair and eye color). But it features the Gakuen Alice girls of the series (except for Ruka, who also happens to be on it). They're all dressed up as princesses^^
Nobara: Princess Mermaid
Sumire: Princess Kagura
Mikan: Cinderella
Hotaru: Snow White
Misaki: Sleeping Beauty (but totally doesn't look like it)
Ruka: Thumbelina Now that we got the cover page covered, on to the real chapter~! What Luna said to Hotaru (in Mikan's body) repeats. If you all forgot what she said, she said that bringing in the Steal alice could cause trouble and cause her to lose someone special...for example...-cut. Mikan (in Bear's body comes running to Hotaru)
MIKAN-BEAR: Hotaru~~~~HOTARU~~~~~~*crying^^*
HOTARU: *Punches Mikan-Bear away^^* Mikan-Bear recovers from the hit and notices Hotaru looks really depressed and askes what's wrong. Hotaru continues to remember what Luna had told her before. HOTARU-MIKAN: Don't joke with me.
MIKAN-BEAR: Eh...? Whoa-
HOTARU-MIKAN: *hugs Mikan-Bear* It's nothing. It's okay. Hotaru tells herself that she will protect Mikan. Flashbacks of when Mikan first came to the academy also flash in Hotaru's mind. But just as they're having a good, touching scene, they hear a "Nyou~" It's the sound of their souls coming out of their current bodies~! Everyone has shuffled souls again~! Hotaru's soul is now in Bear's body. Mikan actually gets her body back this time. She sees that Hotaru still hasn't got her original body back, so she goes to help out with that. Meanwhile, we get the cycle that Natsume went through to get back to his own body back^^.
First: Ruka wants his body back, so he, in Hotaru's body, bumps into Natsume-Ruka and gets his own body back. But this makes it so Natsume is stuck in Hotaru's body
Second: Natsume-Hotaru sees his body, but now Bear is inhabiting it^^. So he fights Bear for his body back^^. So Natsume gets his body back, but Bear now has Hotaru's body to inhabit. *punch punch^^*
Natsume remembers earlier when Yuu-Natsume asked him about events that have happened, but Natsume-Ruka just walked away. But of course, this is also serving as a flashback for Yuu, who is now in Sumire's body. He tells Mikan what happened and says he's a bit concerned. Mikan leaves to go find Natsume...
Indeed, Mikan finds Natsume sitting on a bench. But when Natsume sees her, he instantly turns away with a "go away stupid" look on his face^^. Mikan is a bit angry with this, but still remembers what Yuu said about Natsume struggling with something. So Mikan grabs him, pulls him close to her, and says this
"If you're not Natsume...then perhaps you are...Bear?" (Suddenly we see a dark figure of Bear in the background^^)
Then Natsume notices that they have been handcuffed together. She figures that this is Bear, so she's happy that they finally captured him. But just when she's about to drag him with her, he pulls her back with this "menacing, evil, do-not-take-another-step-or-else-I'll-burn-you look on his face".
(A small sceen shows Ruka and Hotaru-Bear hiding behind a tree.)
Mikan, who was hit by Natsume afterall, talks with who she still thinks is Bear. She comments that he really does seem like Natsume, seeing as when he answers, his eyes look annoyed. (Natsume is getting really to hit her again.) But then she starts to confide in him. She says she doesn't know a lot of what's going on with Natsume.
MIKAN: That guy surely doesn't like me, but recently I've been thinking. Really...Why is that guy...so complicated? I don't understand. *Right here, she's remembering the Borrowing Race and the time when he hugged her from behind.*
Mikan continues to ask herself what's wrong with Natsume. Then Natsume puts his hand over her hand. *Okay fans...make the sound. Y'know...THAT sound. "Awwwwwwww~"* There's an entire page dedicated to this kawaii moment as Mikan notices he's holding her hand. It's here that she also notices that this is not Bear she is talking to. Oh my~
But you all needed that page, because the next page shows a bunch of students zooming by saying Hotaru has gone mad (because Bear is inhabiting her body).
As the students go by, Natsume walks away and we see that the handcuffs are broken. Mikan calls after him. She informs him that everyone is worrying about him and askes if he'll come to them. He calls her, "I-----diot" and says he's not going. But instead of looking upset, Mikan smiles with a bit of a relieved look on her face.
At the very, very end, Mikan hears a rustling noise behind her and sees Narumi. He looks very serious...and if you ask me, in pain...
pOstEd bY
Sunday, February 10, 2008