Gakuen Alice 44

“I keep on thinking that tomorrow without you can never exist.”
The Chapter starts as Mikan, Ruka and Natsume went back to the elementary department using the window to enter. Everyone stayed up late waiting for them. Anna, and Nonoko all run over Mikan while Kitsuneme hugged Ruka and Kokoroyomi hugged Natsume with Sumire on the background. Other classmates came when they heard that the three are back.
Iinchou: “It’s Great youre okay,”
Others: “Where’s the stolen alice and the special medicine?”
Yo-chan hugged Natsume tightly.
Kokoroyomi: “Where’s Penguin?”
Natsume and Ruka looked at Mikan with concern.
Mikan: “I’ve already asked Hotaru’s brother to give her the special medicine…” Tears flow from her eyes. “Penguin is---“
Everyone looked shocked. Anna and Nonoko are now crying.
Mikan: “………. Sorry Iinchou— I cant’ bring Iinchou’s alice back. I’m sorry.”
Iinchou just silently wept with the others: “it’s alright Mikan. Even though it’s sad—what happened to Penguin, being able to get Hotaru-chan’s medicine and as well as safely returning--- it’s enough.” “Mikan and everyone else worked so hard for me—just knowing you’re intentions already makes me very happy.”
Iinchou held Mikan’s hand and with the most tender voice he said: “Thank you Mikan. Thank you everyone.”
Mikan thinking while crying deeply: “I—I’m really not strong. Maybe I don’t even know what true strength is, only thinking that I can single handedly protect Iinchou and Hotaru-chan, protect everyone. I’m really a big idiot.”
Sumire: “There’s nothing to cry about--- because this is the result if your’s, Natsume’s, Ruka’s and everyone’s hardwork. We all know that.” With also a tear she prevents to fall from her eyes. To Nonoko and Anna: “If you continue sobbing like that, everyone will feel like crying too.”
Natsume: “You’re not suited to that kind of crying at all.” Thinking: “Wanting to protect someone isn’t something that can easily be done.”
Mikan still thinking: “Whether it’s Tsubasa-senpai’s maturity or Hotaru-chan’s and Natsume’s and everyone’s strength and gentleness, they all become stronger step by step…After every experience--- I haven’t gone through that and yet I want to take a shortcut. Everyone’s tears, are a result of my weakness.”
Sumire suddenly rubbed Mikan’s face with tissue: “Don’t make Iinchou upset with your crying face. Alright! Hang in there!”
Mikan is surprised.: “This sorrow will one day be joined to equal parts of strength… Someday in the future, I really will be able to protect someone. I’m going for it, with strength, with perseverance, ever forward. Waiting for the moment to finally come.”
The others told Mikan that Narumi-sensei found out what happened and because of that they should be careful. Furthermore, He’s been missing since that day.
Meanwhile, Narumi meets up with Azumi Yuka and Shiki on Mikan’s father/their dead sensei’s grave. He greeted he’s two senpais. Yuka was so surprised to see how cold Narumi’s eyes have become. He wanted to know where his students are. He asked if she saw Mikan.
Yuka: “She’s an arrogant, obnoxious little brat.” Thinking: “Using all her strength to reject me.”She said that Mikan’s eyes looks familiar and that her child had the same alice as their sensei. She remembered:
Sensei: “When that day comes, let’s name our child Mikan, hmmmm?”
Yuka: “Eh?”
Sensei: “Citrons(Yuka) and Mandarins(Mikan/Oranges) sound like they go hand-in-hand (they’re both citrus fruits) and would be an omen for good parent-child relationship, I reckon.”
Yuka’s face blushing deeply: “What are you saying sensei??? So embarrassing...”
Sensei: “What? Isn’t it a very suitable name?” He held her face: “It’s rare I’d take the first step to help you in attaining your “Happy Family.”
The memory changed when Yuka holds baby Mikan in her arms crying because she had to give her up, she couldn’t raise her. Then, Mikan, shouting that she’ll never forgive them.
Narumi: “Mikan is very much like you senpai. Direct, never gets discouraged, never giving up. Frequently dazzling me--- yet I can’t take my eyes away“
They both remember times when Narumi hugs Yuka and he keeps on following her around.
Yuka while crying: “Narumi, you must change this school from the inside, please Narumi. I cannot go back now and I don’t want to involve anymore people. I’ve decided a while ago that I want to carry on sensei’s will from the outside.”
Back to reality.
Narumi: “The Alice you’ve stolen from those children and a part of mine you got that day. I hope you’ll return them all.”
Yuka: “I did not mean to take it from you that time. I just lost control and that is the first time you tried to use your Alice on me. Because you were too serious, all my life I can never be as serious”
Narumi thinking: “Senpa---- from that day on I’ve been looking for you. I was left with an empty heart, be it your will or sensei’s, all of that doesn’t matter. I only want to retrieve my admiration from there. The feelings that were taken away were all the love I have for a lifetime.” To Yuka: “Thanks to you-- since then, I’ve once more become unable to love or be in love.” To himself again as he remember his students: “But--- my heart which should already have been emptied with all emotions is still….”
summary by: Faye_fei23
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