Gakuen Alice 49

When Mikan's friends are calling out to her to get some christmas cake, Mikan is remembering the kisses from Yo-chan and Luka and wondering to herself why, though both kisses she got on the cheak, Ruka's feels so different, feels like her cheak is beating(like a heart beat?). She's surprised by Hotaru and Kokoroyomi-kun(who reads out loud her mind) because of Kokoroyomi-kun, Hotaru & Narumi find out about the kiss. Hotaru is then angry at Mikan for having kept a secret from her (that's why Mikan keeps running after Hotaru to get forgiven.)

When Natsume catched Ruka off guard, Ruka is told by the other boys with them to quickly get a peice of good cake 'cause so many people participated in making the cake, there are delicious and disgusting pieces. People are testing their luck for the next year depending on their peice of cake being good or bad. A boy gets a good piece of cake for Luka but is overtaken by Hotaru who comes up and gives Ruka a quite obviously disgusting piece of cake. With a deadly smile she says "I got an especially good piece just for you Ruka-kun.’’ She leaves giving a last deadly glare at Ruka, and so Natsume and his friends confused ask him; "did you do something to Imai?"

The masked ball is about to begin. First the New Year's luck of the 4 classes, gijutsu-kei, tokuryoku-kei, gijutsau-kei and senzai-kei is tested by 4 special pies. The representatives of each group pick and cut a pie. The best will have seen illusion of gold pieces from it, 2nd will have flowers, 3rd will have crows and worst will have ghosts. (tokuryoku-kei, mikan's class gets flowers). Narumi-sensei is telling to Misaki-sensei; "I wonder what luck will be popping out for me next year?" A mysterious woman in black calls out to Narumi-sensei. Narumi thinks she is the fortune teller called for the party. She says she's afraid of crows and would like him to close the curtain as he does so, she offers to fortune tell his new year. He refuses, she grabs his wrists and says; "Please don't be so modest". "Oh My, It seems going on this way, you will not live long. A traitors' fate is one of ruin......a message from him (the principal) From now on, you should stop doing things out of order." After the choir's song the masked ball begins. Mikan, Hotaru and friends go to choose a mask, Mikan takes a butterfly, Hotary goes for a full faced strange mask, saying they're supposed to make you anonymous, (but obviously only doesn't wish to dance). By coincidence, Hotaru's older brother does chooses a similar mask and as in last chapter a short moment of tension between the siblings. Luka and Mikan's eyes meet. They blush, Mikan tells herself, it's nothing, act normal, act normal. Ruka pushes away his own feelings for Natsume and tells Natsume and Mikan since they hadn't danced together last time to go ahead now.

Mikan is suprised and wonders why said such a thing. Natsume begins to dance with her, Mikan is even more suprised (Ruka leaves them with a faked smile but is quite sad) Mikan gets more and more nervous as she dances with Natsume, she says to herself: "it's so strange that Natsume is simply quietly dancing with me...feels so strange...has dancing always been to put bodies so close together... it's the first time Natsume and I actually hold hands. Firstdance? (She steps on his foot)It's so embarassing (meaning dancing shy)...was dancing such a narrow feeling...I can't even hear the music properly...." Natsume remembers Mikan's dance with Ruka and gets angry; "You were laughing so stupidly when dancing with Ruka, Smile a little unskilled ugly girl. What's with you?" Mikan is surprised and also gets angry at Natsume and calls him Iyami-Kitsune (Iyami is to say nasty things, kitsune=fox) at that moment a fox falls on Natsumes head...then trots away joyfully. They begin to dance again. Mikan: "fox!" Natsume: "ugly" Mikan: "slanted eyes" Natsume: "flapped eyes" Natsume: "stupid" Mikan: "super-stupid". Mikan thinks to herself because Natsume yelled at her she was able to forget her nerves and be back to her usual self. She starts to feel silly about her being troubled about Ruka.

They get bumped in, fall, the unmeant kiss (Mikan's teeth and Natsume's mouth actually) Natsume is angry for having tripped in public, Mikan and all who watched are in shock to what happened. Big surprise! Mikan first tries to believe she's thinking too much, that their mouths didn't touch (people around are saying: their mouths touched didn't they..Yeah touched...isn't that Hyuuga Natsume?! He’s bleeding!) Natsume: You’re not only bad at dancing but kissing too! You hit me with your teeth" (people watching: "he said it didn't he? Yeah he said it (Meaning he confirmed that they kissed) so their mouths really touched....well mouth and teeth actually") Ends with: Mikan's full of disturbance (unexpected events) Christmas party still continues.
Its so cuuuttteee!!!
ReplyDeleteMikan and Natsume dancing!!!!
Wow!!! why do natsume needs to conferm! anyway,Wow!!!
ReplyDeleteI read this and ITS SO ROMANTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteits my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!
it !!!