Gakuen Alice 57

After they have arrived at the Hanazonokai, Hotaru and Ruka were finally able to seperate, seeing this Mikan whines about wanting to refresh her too. Hearing this Natsume pulls his hand away roughly. After deciding Ruka and Natsume's flower names the five are invited to eat. Mikan and Hotaru's eyes sparkle because of the variety of foods that were served, Mikan then leans over to get some food. Her chopsticks were suspended in mid-air though when a hanahime gets the food from her to offer to Hotaru. Mikan looks around to see Hotaru and the others being served and then realizes that all the food around her is gone. One of the hanahime then says that Mikan's stomach might still be tired from eating too much New Year's food, she gives her a stinky medicine, which causes everyone to sit away from her. Mikan watches the others as they play a variety of games, she sighs and wonders what Permy and the others might be doing. Natsume gets up then the girl wonder where is he going.... Mikan: "I want to go home..."
Suddenly somebody places something on her head. She looks up and is surprised to see Natsume offering her some food. Mikan asks him if he went over to check on her, but Natsume tells her he was called upon by her noisy stomach.
After a few minutes of silence, Natsume notices Mikan slipping away from him and asks her if there was anything wrong. Mikan tells him that she stinks of the medicine and that everyone is staying away from her. Natsume then tells her that compared to the perfumes scattered around, her stinky smell was much more tolerable. Mikan's eyes widen. Natsume says; "I told you, This place will be boring for you" Mikan counters by saying that he didn't say anything like that at all and the two end up squabbling again. In the midst of their squabble though, Mikan realizes that Natsume spoke as he saw through all her worries; ''And what's more... he blew them all away in a moment... my cloudy sky... strange guy... Natsume really is a strange guy..." Starting from her thoughts Mikan notice Natsume stand up and asks him where he was going. Natsume answers: "Toilet," Mikan: "Ah really..." Before he could leave Mikan calls him and tells him to hurry back; "Let's eat kurikinton together (i'll wait for you)," Natsume then calls her stupid and tells her to go ahead and eat.

cheers ^^
ReplyDeletemind u put the manga image bigger?i wann the shot of persona~~juz kiddin~~gud job~