Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gakuen Alice 24

want to watch the video?

Reo tells Ruka of the darker side of Gakuen Alice and a bit about his past with Narumi-sensei and also another girl that was very much like Mikan... Natsume's alice is the type where every time it's used it shortens his life. So hearing all of that, and with Reo's alice doing some work to help convince even more, Ruka's now determined to stop Persona from making Natsume do any more of the school's "work". He gets everyone in the class involved to keep Persona from taking Natsume, even going so far as barricading themselves in the classroom, but they relent when Narumi-sensei says he'll take care of Natsume.. but he couldn't stop them from taking Natsume away in the end anyways.. Jinno-sensei and everyone else assumes Mikan is behind things, and Hotaru's brother does the same when he comes to ask a few questions. Ruka, as the actual leader of the group, demands things be changed...

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