Monday, April 16, 2007

Gakuen Alice 60

Hayate has fallen in love at first site with Hotaru. He keeps starring at her, face all blushed and remembers the fact that when he was a child he loved a TV program called Beautiful soldiers five colors, and Hotaru looks exactly like his favorite Blue sky (character name). Mikan and the others think Hayate is "freaky" and decide to take this moment he is lost in his thoughts to run away, Hayate chaces them, without attacking, he keeps asking silly questions to Hotaru like what's her favorite foods, what she does on holidays etc... Since Hotaru and the others don't stop running Hayate puts his hand on her shoulder. Angry Hotaru turns around and speaks in Kansai dialect (Mikan's dialect); "let go, You’re idiot! germs are going to contaminate". But Hayate is simply getting even more in love: "wow your shoulder's thin!). Persona has left Natsume alone with the other 2 kikennouryoku and they area waiting for Hayate's return before fighting with Natsume. Since Hayate is late, Rui (the feminine guy) starts complaining but then gets the feeling that either there is a really handsome boy in the intruders or someone he has marked (he is the "curse" alice....remember Tsubasa's) and so Rui decided to go help Hayate. Rui is upset with Hayate because it seems he is not taking care of business but running after a girl. Natsume has his head full of worries about Mikan and the others because way more than Hayate, Rui is dangerous and evil. The last kikennouryoku gets upset because instead of concentrating on his position at the moment, Natsume seems to be thinking of the others. Natsume says to himself; “because Rui said he feels the presence of a really handsome guy or someone he already marked) he hopes who ever the other intruders (Not Mikan etc.) is, that person will help Mikan and the others.” Seems like the fight with Natsume is about to begin. Back to Rui+ Hayate vs Mikan ect. Rui is looking for the "handsome boy", and sees Mikan=girl, Hotaru=girl and Ruka=Girl? Then face to Yo-chan, the handsome boy...could this be Yo-chan? Though Hayate could not, Rui quickly recognises Yo-chan. Rui is very excited and surprised that the handsome boy is Yo-chan. But his personality quickly changes saying that Yo-chan is like Natsume by coming here a traitor and must be punished. Rui has no simpathy even if Yo-chan is only 3. Yo-chan gets ready to fight and tells the other to run away. Seems Yo-chan too is very strong and Hayate and Rui have no defence against Yo-chan's attacks except for running away. But Rui says all they need to do is tire him, since in the end he is only 3. (Yo-chan was asked by Natsume if anything should happen to him(Natsume) to take care of the others, and that's exactly what Yo-chan intends to do) but in a short moment of openess from Yo-chan's part, Hayate attacks. Mikan grabs Yo-chan and saves him with her Alice, but because of the "field" put upon by the Junior-high principal (for more info of this check out last chapter) her Alice is not as efficient as usual and so Mikan is slightly hurt to the leg. Rui and Hayate realise who she is (Natsume's partner).Rui explains that Natsume, by Persona's decision, is to be locked up forever in this underground. That Natsume was stupid to fall into the trap and come down to look for his sister. Mikan is suprised, realising that Natsume's reason to wanting to go to the Hanahimeden was to look for his sister, but she doesn't understand why his sister, if she was at the school, would be kepted away from him. Rui extends his cloud of curse (around Rui is cloud is build and if you are caught by it you cannot escape his curse.) Mikan screems: "everybody run!"...she tries to protect but she knows her Nullification Alice won't work on time!!!!But Rui is the one surprised. Caught by a shadow by Tsubasa-senpai. Tsubasa to Mikan and etc: "Hey! I've been looking for you"

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting this summary XD i guess you don't know how hard it is to find chapter 59-64 ... so i'm really happy to at least read what was going on! again: thank you so much!!!!!
    you kind of saved my life XP
